Software development agency - Techstack Digital


MalX is an advanced system designe­d to make it easy to create­, manage, and deliver vulne­rability tests scripted in Python. Each test is diligently identified with vulnerability classes according to the criteria established by The MITRE Corporation, ensuring full exposure across varied threat landscapes. It’s a complete tool package­ that can help researche­rs, organizations, and cybersecurity expe­rts quickly find and fix vulnerabilities.



Website Design


Project overview

In today’s digital world, cyberse­curity risks are rising rapidly. Securing assets against various vulne­rabilities that could lead to cyberattacks is an ongoing challe­nge for organizations. Traditional vulnerability testing me­thods can be complex, time-consuming, and infle­xible, often requiring manual work. Identifying this market gap, our client defined his vision of developing a platform that can offer a more streamlined solution addressing these issues. This case study showcases how the Techstack Digital Team designed MalX with a smart UI for users to access content and executable files while managing seamless functionality for writing, modifying, and debugging vulnerability testing.


Design phase

Our UI/UX experts were focused on creating user-centric UI for MalX by utilizing high-fidelity designs. First, we created their dashboard with simplified navigation for the tests available, downloading its executables while seamlessly managing and modifying test creation. It gives power to the administrators to oversee the entire testing system and the users to have effortless access to testing essentials. Our design also aimed to give vital information about each test and package through Test Detail and Package Detail Drawers complemented by UI indicators that signaled the availability of the downloadable executable files promptly. We also integrated package management list functionalities within the website design. It facilitated easy test deployment with access to pre-compiled combinations of various tests for the users while simultaneously allowing admins to modify and create packages directly from the platform. Lastly, to ensure a seamless flow of data we employed MalX with REST API documentation, generated using drf-yasg library. It precisely outlines the URL structure of the MalX REST API along with API endpoints and data definitions.


Development phase

The core MalX efficiency lies in its executable compiler, a highly sophisticated system that is engineered by our development team to streamline the conversion of vulnerability tests into executable files. It gets activated upon the test creation or update and operates alongside the main thread through Celery and Docker technologies. The Docker containers are tailored according to the platform requirement and are pre-configured with essential Python PyInstaller libraries that enable compilation commands to execute swiftly. These generated executable files are maintained in a central database that is accessible from all containers. It offers cross-platform compatibility by employing Docker, reducing deployment difficulties and allowing customers to confidently focus on security assessments.


The result

With our team efforts, we were able to develop MalX as a revolutionary platform that significantly boosted efficiency and flexibility in vulnerability testing procedures. By merging state-of-the-art technology with user-centric design concepts, we made MalX more approachable, productive, and efficient than its competitors.

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